Embracing Transformation: Preparing for the Jobs of Tomorrow
Gensler Design PodcastJuly 04, 2023x
34:4547.87 MB

Embracing Transformation: Preparing for the Jobs of Tomorrow

The future of work is being shaped by a variety of factors, notably the escalating prevalence of AI. As these trends gain momentum, it becomes increasingly crucial for workers and employers to proactively prepare for the imminent changes. In this episode, we explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and delve into how we can equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to stay ahead of the curve. Join our host, David Calkins, and our guest, Dr. James Andrade, Senior Vice President of CapitaLand and Head of Learning & Innovation at Catapult, as we delve into a discussion on how AI and other emerging trends will shape the future of work, and the practical strategies that businesses and employees can adopt to embrace transformation and effectively prepare for the jobs of tomorrow.